What Does It Take To Become A Medical Assistant?

21 August 2015
 Categories: , Blog

Have you been wondering what you have to do to become a certified medical assistant? If you think you'd enjoy working in the medical field, a career as a medical assistant is definitely something that you should consider. Medical assistants are an integral part of a medical team. Some of their duties include obtaining a medical history from patients, preparing patients for examinations, recording patients' vital signs, and assisting the doctor during procedures. Read More 

Have Dyslexia And Want To Be A Doctor? Tips On Getting Through Medical School

22 June 2015
 Categories: , Blog

If have you have decided to become a doctor and have dyslexia, you may have more challenges than other students may, but this does not mean you cannot become a doctor. According to the Association of American Medical Colleges, 94.2 percent of students graduate medical school in seven years, and you can be a part of this percentage. Below are some tips to help you succeed so you can get into a good medical university residency program. Read More 

Advice For Seniors: Stay Sharp With Adult Education Classes

30 March 2015
 Categories: , Blog

Staying sharp by improving and sustaining brain function is an important issue among aging seniors. There are many ways that older adults can maintain their cognitive abilities. One of the most effective methods for staying sharp is taking in adult education classes. Benefits of Adult Education Learning strengthens neural connections that can prevent adult brains from deteriorating with age. Mental stimulation can prevent the onset of Alzheimer's and dementia, slow the degradation of memory and motor function, and ward off conditions like depression. Read More